14 August 2024

Nose polyps in a child – how to recognize and treat them?

polipy w nosie u dziecka

Polyps in the nose cause a lot of troublesome symptoms. The nodules, although usually small, make breathing difficult and reduce the sense of smell. Polyps most often appear in adult males, but almost never in children. Nevertheless, it happens that the youngest develop them as a result of inflammation or allergies. When a child complains of constant nasal congestion, the parent should visit an ENT specialist with him. Your doctor will help you find out if your symptoms are related to lumps or other ENT changes. The presence of nasal polyps requires treatment. For this reason, it is not worth delaying their diagnosis. How to recognize polyps in a child and how to treat them?

The causes of the formation of polyps in the nose

Although nasal polyps are rare in children, they may appear in some cases. Inflammation and allergies are a factor contributing to the formation of nodules. For this reason, polyps are more common in immunocompromised people and in allergy sufferers. Cysts can occur as a result of chronic inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa and sinuses. Genetic factors influence the formation of tumors. In children, they are one of the most important causes of the appearance of polyps. Children who suffer from bronchial asthma or cystic fibrosis from an early age are particularly at risk of developing nodules. Polyps are formed within the epithelium. Consequently, the risk of their development is higher in children with impaired epithelial cell function. For example, lumps may form when when the child suffers from immobility of cilia. However, it must be repeated once again that the presence of polyps in the youngest is rare. The presence of nodules will not be confirmed by a doctor, it is not worth making a diagnosis yourself.

How to recognize polyps?

Although you are not allowed to diagnose a child yourself, it is worth knowing how polyps manifest themselves in order to visit a doctor in time. The symptoms of nodules are similar to those of a crooked nasal septum or chronic sinusitis. For this reason, it is difficult to assess what disease we are dealing with without specialist research. We have already mentioned that the presence of polyps makes breathing difficult. Sometimes even to such an extent that sick people develop night apnea. How much difficulty breathing is, however, largely depends on the size of the nodules. The presence of polyps in children can be manifested by speaking through the nose. Remember, however, that this symptom is also characteristic of other ENT diseases. When the nodules are large in size, the parent may notice that the baby’s nose has become slightly wider than it was before. It should be mentioned that in the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity there is still discharge. Its consistency may be more or less watery. A parent may suspect polyps when they notice that their child has:

  • nasal obstruction
  • mouth breathing
  • nasal discomfort,
  • frequent sneezing
  • snore,
  • frequent tearing,
  • sputum running down the back of the throat,
  • smell disorders.
polyps in the nose in a child - diagnosis

Diagnosis of nasal polyps

A parent who notices symptoms accompanying nasal polyps in their child should see a doctor with them. It is best to visit an ENT specialist for diagnosis. To diagnose the presence of polyps, it is necessary to perform one or more ENT examinations. Depending on the location of the polyps, the doctor may decide to perform either fibroscopy or anterior rhinoscopy. The first examination involves inserting an endoscope into the nose. The small tool has a built-in webcam, which allows the ENT specialist to carefully examine the nasal cavity. Since the examination is quite unpleasant, it is performed under local anesthesia. Rhinoscopy is a bit less complicated. The examination consists in examining the front part of the nasal cavity with a special speculum. When there is a suspicion of polyps in the sinuses you may need a CT scan or an MRI scan. However, in children, these tests are relatively rare.

Is the polyp in the nose dangerous?

After the doctor confirms the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity, the child must undergo treatment. The presence of lumps in the nose is a minor disease. Nevertheless, it can lead to complications. If left untreated, polyps often get bigger. This in turn makes the child’s breathing worse and worse. Large cysts can cause night apnea, posing a serious risk to children. It must be remembered that the presence of tumors causes that the youngest constantly feel discomfort. Due to polyps, children sometimes put a finger in their nose, which is not very hygienic.

Polyps in the nose in a child – treatment

Although polyps are not a serious disease, they are definitely worth treating. The lumps cause discomfort, which is very troublesome for the baby. Youngest children often feel pain when blowing nasal secretions from their nose. For children who are sensitive to suffering, this feeling is extremely unpleasant. In many cases, the cysts make breathing difficult. It is imperative that you follow the doctor’s instructions for your baby to recover. After conducting specialist examinations, the ENT specialist will choose the form of treatment that is appropriate for the toddler. There are different ways to get rid of nasal polyps. The most common treatment for cysts in the nasal cavity is pharmacotherapy.


After diagnosing polyps in the nose, ENTs most often recommend pharmacotherapy to patients. The type of medication prescribed varies depending on the cause and nature of the cyst. If the doctor determines the presence of a bacterial infection in addition to the cyst, the child must take antibiotics. The same is true if the patient has sinusitis. When the nodules are the result of inflammation, patients are given glucocorticoid medications. Pharmaceuticals have anti-inflammatory as well as anti-allergic properties. Glucocorticosteroids can be administered intranasally or orally. It all depends on whether the patient’s nose is unobstructed. The cysts are significantly reduced when the doctor tells your child to take steroids. The action of drugs brings very quick relief, which is extremely important in the case of children.

Polyps in the nose – natural treatment

When the polyps in the nasal cavity are small, your doctor may recommend rinsing or inhalation. Preparations with the addition of sea salt or saline are available in nasal irrigation pharmacies. Regular rinses help shrink the cysts and remove impurities from the nasal cavity. Preparations for irrigation make it easier for children to blow out the residual mucus from the nose.


When drug therapy and other treatments have failed, your doctor may refer you to have the polyps removed surgically. In children, surgery is performed relatively rarely. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary. The indications for the procedure are large cysts or a large number of nodules. Removal of polyps can be done by laparoscopy or laser. Traditional treatments with a scalpel are performed sporadically. The method of treatment always depends on the nature of the changes.

Over-the-counter medications for nasal polyps

Some people avoid doctors like plague. However, treating polyps on your own is quite risky. Firstly, the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity are easily microdamaged, and secondly, home remedies and over-the-counter remedies are rarely effective. People who do not want to go to a specialist with cysts can try a sea salt spray. Systematic use of the preparation may slightly shrink the nodules and reduce the amount of secretions. It should be noted, however, that avoiding visiting an ENT in the case of a sick child is irresponsible behavior. Untreated polyps make breathing difficult and can lead to many complications.

polyps in the nose - how to treat?

Nasal polyps in children – forum full of worried parents

Although nasal polyps in children are a rare condition, online forums contain loads of posts from concerned parents. Forum members ask how to recognize the presence of cysts and how to effectively get rid of them. Many mothers make a diagnosis unnecessarily without consulting a doctor. This is a big mistake, as careful research is required to confirm the appearance of nodules. When polyps are small, even an ENT specialist cannot see them without specialized medical equipment.

Removal of a polyp from the nose – forum

Parents who visited the ENT doctor with their children often wonder how to safely get rid of polyps after diagnosis. There are questions on forums about what the surgical procedure for removing a cyst looks like and whether it is painful. We have already mentioned that surgical treatment is performed under local anesthesia. For this reason, the patient may feel only slight discomfort during the procedure. It should also be noted that surgical treatment is the last resort. Before your child is referred for surgery, he or she will likely prescribe medications or rinse.

Natural treatment of nasal polyps – forum

Some parents wonder if polyps can be cured naturally. Especially if they are against the use of steroids and antibiotics. Of course, there are alternatives to drug therapy and surgery. However, their effectiveness is very low. If the parent insists on natural treatments, he or she may try to give the baby intranasal saline or sea salt. However, when irrigation is unsuccessful, the adult should seriously consider consulting a physician and using prescription drugs.

Katarzyna Kroteniuk

Editor-in-chief of diet4u.org blog

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One thought on “Nose polyps in a child – how to recognize and treat them?

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