The pain you felt was alive in your hand, which must not be underestimated. Very often the cause of pain is phlebitis, i.e. a disease caused by blood flow disorders in the veins. There can be many causes of blockages: extensive surgical operations, paresis, cancer or pregnancy.
Venous pain can also be caused by inflammation of the veins. Unfortunately, very often the problem of venous thrombosis is diagnosed and treated too late. Consequently, in many cases the disease continues to develop and lead to serious complications.
Painful veins in the hand – who does it concern?
Thrombophlebitis affects people who suffer from other additional diseases. Blood clots, caused by an inflammatory effect, can appear in both superficial and deep veins. The first type is manifested when there is extensive inflammation in the limbs (it concerns the upper and lower limbs) (if left untreated, it leads to thrombosis). However, any deep vein inflammation is simply a thrombosis. Of course, the risk of the clot loosening and embolism is low as it adheres very tightly to the vessel wall.
The presence of diseases such as migratory superficial thrombophlebitis, i.e. recurrent inflammation of the veins of variable location, is also distinguished. It occurs most often in women and mainly affects the lower limbs. Wandering thrombophlebitis is an inflammation that occurs in the venous vessels located above the deep fascia, accompanied by a thrombus in the lumen of the vessel. Inflammation in the upper limbs is most often associated with the presence of a catheter in a vein or other medical procedures performed. If deep vein thrombosis is also present, limb edema occurs which increases the risk of pulmonary embolism and therefore increases the risk of death. In this case, you need to see a doctor quickly.
The basic examination in the diagnosis of phlebitis of the lower and upper extremities is Doppler ultrasound. Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the veins, so you can easily detect the problem of thrombophlebitis. If the problem is vascular, it is also necessary to visit a vascular surgeon.
For more information on the symptoms and causes of venous pain in the hands, see the text below.
Painful veins in the hand – causes
As mentioned above, phlebitis and blood clots can cause pain in the veins in the hands. Such diseases are favored by smoking, diseases of the coagulation system, metabolic diseases, e.g. diabetes, bacterial infections, and even hot water baths.
People with mechanical damage resulting from the insertion of cannula, blood collection or various types of injuries are also particularly vulnerable to the formation of blood clots.
It happens that some clots self-absorb, but unfortunately leave behind damage in the area of the valve and the inner walls of the veins. If, on the other hand, the clot is not absorbed, it grows larger and clogs the vein, which leads to the formation of new clots surrounding the valves and disrupting their function.
Thrombosis may also appear after a previous surgery, long immobilization of the body, long-term treatment, with infectious diseases, previous venous diseases, excessive clotting, with thickening of the blood, with the use of certain medications, with varicose veins changes, and even during pregnancy.
Pain in the veins in the hand may also indicate an infection, and the cause of the pain may also be orthopedic, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. In this case, an orthopedic consultation is necessary, and rehabilitation, and even an operation, is necessary. Pain in the veins in the hand can also be caused by electrolyte disturbances, i.e. magnesium deficiency. It also happens that the pain in the vein in the upper limb may be caused by a neurological disorder.
Venous pain
Thrombophlebitis usually affects the superficial veins and can be very painful. A section of the vein appears as a red, warm, and often swollen area of the skin. In addition, inflammation caused by the bacteria can trigger a fever. Blood clots may form as a result of inflammation, so be sure to visit a specialist, phlebologist, angiologist, vascular surgeon or dermatologist. In contrast, deep vein inflammation is much less common.
How can I prevent thrombosis? The blood must be properly pressurized and must flow rhythmically through the blood vessels, and the valves must not be blocked.
Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the location of the lesions. At the very beginning of therapy, drug treatment and the use of anticoagulants are recommended. The drugs are administered orally or as a subcutaneous injection of low molecular weight heparin. It is also worth helping with home remedies, such as gels and ointments based on horse chestnut, which seal the vessels and reduce pain.
Surgical treatment is performed as a last resort, and the procedure consists in removing the clot or dissolving it.
Painful veins in the hand – symptoms
Venous thrombosis may be asymptomatic, but it is often accompanied by pain in the veins in the hand and other ailments. Superficial vein inflammation symptoms:
- there is pressure or spontaneous pain at the site of the thrombophlebitis process,
- swelling of the hand,
- bruising, redness of the skin in the affected area,
- low-grade fever,
- painful hardening of a palpable vein,
- palpable lumps in places of the painful vein,
- the hand in the affected area is warmer than the rest of the body.
Phlebitis in the hand may appear after procedures and examinations in which the superficial veins have been disrupted. It is also very common to have a painful hardening along the course of the vein in which the inflammatory process is taking place.
If the disease affects the deep veins, then swelling predominates, and pain intensifies when bent and touched. It also happens that thrombosis is asymptomatic until the clot breaks out into the bloodstream and then settles in the vessels of an organ such as the heart, brain or lung. In this case, the functioning of the organ may even be impaired and it may lead to a direct threat to life.
Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis:
- swelling
- pain when bending and touching,
- swelling of the entire limb.
Deep venous blood clots increase the risk of pulmonary embolism, which impairs circulatory failure and leads to death.
Symptoms of pulmonary embolism:
- fever
- shortness of breath
- prickly chest pain
- cough (possibly with blood)
- problems with maintaining balance
- loss of consciousness.
Embolism is often sudden and is not preceded by any symptoms. It is imperative that the doctor intervenes as soon as possible.
Painful veins when touched
The initial symptom of phlebitis is pain, the skin in the affected area becomes red, it is sensitive, and when touched, the affected area develops pain. This is because the vein produces inflammation. In addition to the feeling of pain when touched, you can also feel a hard vein and warm skin. There is also bruising.
Thanks to the good knowledge of symptoms and your observations, it is possible to implement treatment at an early stage.
If there is acute thrombophlebitis, general symptoms are also present, such as high temperature, malaise, increased heart rate and breathing, and disturbed consciousness.
Physician evaluation is the basis for the diagnosis of superficial thrombophlebitis. If catheter-related inflammation occurs, the material is inoculated from the tip of the catheter.
Pain in the veins
Painful veins in the hands that do not go away for days are a problem that affects many people. Often the reason is that our hands stay in the same position for many hours, and working in front of a computer is one of the common reasons that cause venous pain. Of course, there are times when the pain in a vein in your hand is actually muscle pain. However, each such ailment and pain requires a visit to a doctor, the matter must not be underestimated, so as not to lead to a pulmonary embolism or other life-threatening consequences.
There are also cases of spontaneous superficial thrombophlebitis. In contrast, recurrent superficial phlebitis sometimes occurs as an early symptom of neoplastic disease, including Behçet’s disease and vasculitis.
The most important thing is to prevent blockages. First of all, you should stop smoking, avoid hot baths and long work in the same position. It is worth introducing healthy vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C into the diet.
Sometimes the inflammation disappears on its own, but most often it needs treatment. It is also worthwhile to conduct home treatment, which consists in the topical application of anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs with heparin and oral drugs.